校园健康教育、关怀、 & 推荐
新太阳城网址 卫生服务 provides a full range of primary care, referrals and educational services tailored to the individual and unique needs of 林奇校区的大学生. 富兰克林·皮尔斯健康服务公司是会员之一 of the American College 健康 Association and the New England College 健康 Association. 卫生服务 is licensed as an educational health facility by the New Hampshire 卫生与公众服务部.
卫生服务 staff are comprised of: Experienced 健康 Care Professionals comprised of a Nurse Practitioner, Licensed Practical Nurse, and an administrative assistant. 卫生服务 offers initial diagnosis and treatment for a broad spectrum of illnesses 以及受伤和适当的后续护理. 卫生服务部门也会转介学生 在需要的时候给各种各样的专家. 一些护理可以在现场提供,而另一些 服务由当地专家提供. 卫生服务部门也将协调护理工作 在必要和/或要求时与学生的医疗提供者联系.
保健服务处为您提供广泛的初级保健服务. 太阳城网址的供应商 are experienced in treating common medical problems seen on college campuses. 太阳城网址是 有兴趣帮助你保持健康和活跃.
- 计划生育: 太阳城网址致力于 providing our patients with best in reproductive and sexual healthcare while advancing the wellbeing of our patients through treatment options based on the 最新的研究和临床结果. 具体服务请太阳城网址 卫生服务.
- 女性健康: 妇科服务可预约提供. 服务包括评估 and possible treatment of infectious diseases, pregnancy testing, and birth control. 关于妇女健康问题的广泛教育始终存在.
- 男人的健康: 卫生服务 provides information on contraception, education about testicular 前列腺癌,并提供传染病教育.
- 实验室服务: Lab services are available at 卫生服务 are: Influenza A/B, Strep A, Mono, 妊娠、尿路感染和COVID-19. Quest实验室用于测试 that is processed in a laboratory, such as; sexually transmitted infection testing 是可用的.
- 免疫接种: 中心 for Disease Control recommends – Initial COVID-9 immunization series, Meningitis
(MenACWY), Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR), Varicella, Tetanus and TB screening are
入学必修课. 卫生服务部门有脑膜炎(MenACWY)、破伤风(T-DAP)、
流感,以及COVID-19初始/加强剂. 所有疫苗均在
健康服务将产生不包括在学生保险中的费用. (保险之外
We offer individual help on a variety of topics such as alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs; sexual health; fitness and nutrition; eating disorders; and stress management. Programs are provided to resident student housing, organizations, and academic classes.
在美国没有医疗保险的学生.S. 需要购买健康 insurance for the duration of their attendance at 新太阳城网址.
- 健康的形式 (包括身体表格及免疫表格)或
- 运动训练及健康表格 (学生运动员适用)
- 一般豁免接种疫苗申请
Please do not send photos of the completed forms using your cell phone. 太阳城网址不会 以这种格式接受它们. 相反,把填好的健康表格传真到:603-899-1050.
Franklin 皮尔斯保健服务 maintains medical records of Rindge 学生 for five 离开后的岁月. 之后医疗记录就被销毁了. 索取副本 的医疗记录,请下载 医疗记录发放表格 填写完整. 释放表格必须有学生的签名. 你可将要求传真或邮寄至:
岭,NH 03461
提交 在网上填写健康表格及疫苗接种资料 或传真603-899-1050.
如果上述提交选项不起作用,请发送电子邮件 HEALTHSERVICES@FRANKLINPIERCE.EDU 或致电603-899-4130
新太阳城网址 does not provide health insurance coverage to 学生. With the passing of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), all individuals are mandated to 有一定程度的医疗保险吗. 因此,学生是必需的 to provide 卫生服务 with their insurance information prior to enrolling in 课程. International 学生 who do not qualify for insurance under the ACA 可以在标题为“国际保险."
学生被要求拨打ext. 4130 .在保健服务部门预约. By calling for an appointment in advance, you can decrease waiting time and allow adequate 找合适的医疗保健提供者. 免预约急症护理情况和 紧急情况得到优先注意. 健康服务时间为星期一至星期五 本学年上午8点至下午4:30. EMT在非工作时间提供服务. 为紧急情况 调用ext. 5555.
太阳城网址提供非处方药的起始剂量. 太阳城网址有一个有限的内部 pharmacy for 学生 and we utilize a local pharmacy for prescription medications 太阳城网址手头没有.
Franklin 皮尔斯保健服务 is legally and ethically obligated to protect 学生' 隐私权. 你的医疗记录是严格保密的. 没有别人 计划生育保健服务 staff has access to your medical records without your prior written 通过 医疗记录发放表格. This restriction includes your parents, faculty and staff or outside agencies. 某些 communicable diseases need to be reported to the Department of Public 健康 and you will be informed of this action prior to 卫生服务 calling the Department.
The State of New Hampshire 卫生与公众服务部 licenses Franklin 皮尔斯保健服务. 每个学生都需要一份完整的医疗档案 由保健服务处维护. 这些文件包括健康评估表,a physical exam within 2 一年s of admission, proof of immunizations (two MMRs, meningitis 在一年内进行结核病筛查.S. 学生. 对于国际学生, 这些免疫接种必须在抵达美国后的12周内进行.S.还有破伤风 vaccine within 10 一年s is required) and a signed 医疗同意书. 直到顺从,学生谁 do not meet these requirements will have a "hold" placed 关于他们下学期的注册.
In accordance to NH state Educational 健康 Center licensing rules RSA 151 and He-P 816和基于大学的健康要求. 必须有完整的医疗档案 为每个学生提供,并要求在卫生服务部门保存. 这些文件 consist of a 健康 Assessment Form, a physical exam within one (1) 一年 of admission, proof of immunizations (two MMRs, meningitis ACWY vaccine, TB screening within one 美国年.S. 学生还有破伤风 vaccine within 10 一年s is required) and a signed 医疗同意书. 对于国际学生来说,这些免疫接种 必须在抵达美国后12周内办理.S. 直到顺从,学生谁 do not meet these requirements will have a "hold" placed on their registration for 下个学期.
The above requirement is mandated for all 学生 who reside or participate in athletic 或岭新校区的学术活动. 请注意*这包括在线 graduate 学生 who reside off campus, but DO participate in on campus athletic 活动.
Franklin 皮尔斯保健服务 is a 健康 Care facility providing health promotion and comprehensive, skilled and compassionate services to the college student community. Whether it's the flu that won't go away, anxieties about personal issues, or questions 关于保持健康,太阳城网址可以帮你得到你需要的照顾. 太阳城网址致力于 you and to maintaining the highest quality of service in a confidential, convenient, 以及关怀专业环境.
重要电话号码 | |
计划生育保健服务 | (603) 899-4130 传真(603)899-1050 |
计划生育外展教育中心 | (603) 899-4133 |
紧急 | >Ext. 5555 |
校园安全 | Ext. 4210 or (603) 899-4210 |
中毒控制 | (800) 222-1222 |
全国酒精和毒品信息交换所 | (800) 622-help (4357) |
艾滋病热线 | (800) 752-2437 |
撒玛利亚会(自杀热线) | (603) 924-7000 |
莫纳德诺克暴力预防中心 | (603) 352-3782 |
Monadnock社区医院 | (603) 924-7191 |
柴郡医疗中心 | (603) 354-5400 |
电话: (603) 899-4130
电子邮件: healthservices@szjhw.net
办公时间:星期一至星期五:上午8:30.m. - 4:30 p.m.